Holistic Massage

Holistic Massage

Treat yourself to a relaxing massage in the comfort of your cottage during your stay with our Holistic Mobile Massage Therapist, Sarah.

Holistic Massage is a nourishing combination of traditional Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and Reiki, helping you to unwind, de-stress and regain a sense of well-being. Each treatment is unique and created to suit your needs and wishes, whether that is to simply relax or to soothe aches and pains. Sarah uses organic, allergy-friendly oils only.

Price list

90 minutes – £65
60 minutes – £55
30 minutes – £30 (available only for groups of 3 people or more)

To make a booking, please contact Sarah directly on:

Tel: 01308 898 754
Mob: 07928 113 616
Email: sarahleboff@gmail.com